Eurasian Consulting GmbH
  • 面议
  • 国外
  • 经验 1年~3年
  • 全职
  • 发布于1970-01-01

工作内容: 1.账单编纂和分录处理 2.制作财务报表,并进行汇报 3.完成备份库存控制;并协助盘点工作 4.制作月度、季度和年度销售报告 5.与中国的财务主管进行沟通 6.履行其他可能被指派的职责,例如在中国的国内采购 Job Description 1.Invoice codification and process journal entries 2.Prepare and report financial statements 3.Perform backup inventory control; and assist with stocktaking 4.Perform monthly, quarterly and annual sales report 5.Communicate with finance head in China 6.Perform other duties that may be assigned, e.g. domestic procurement in China 我们提供: 1.中德跨文化环境中工作的经验 2.参与并负责在财务方面建立欧洲销售网络的工作 3.有吸引力的薪酬水平和奖金,且与雇主的收入增长挂钩 What we can offer: 1.Acquire experience of working in a Sino-German transcultural environment 2.Involve in and responsible for the establishment of the European sales network on the financial front 3.Attractive compensation level plus bonus basis linked to revenue growth of the employer


要求: 1.德国本科或以上学历,主修会计学 2.能说流利的中文和德语,有足够的英语能力者优先考虑 3.至少2-3年的相关工作经验,最好是在审计领域。 4.有DATEV知识者优先 5.注重细节,做事有条理 6.具备良好的沟通能力和团队合作意识 7.能适应处理多个任务,并有效地安排工作的优先次序 Requirements 1.German bachelor or above majored in Accounting 2.Fluent in Chinese and German, adequate English skill is a plus 3.Min. 2-3 years relevant working experience, preferably in auditing area 4.DATEV knowledge is a plus 5.Detail-oriented and organized 6.Possessed with good communication skills and sense of teamwork 7.Can be adapted to handle multiple tasks and effectively prioritize workload




Eurasian Consulting GmbH